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This is Michael Albert conveying another free ZNet Update to those who have entered their
email address to receive these at http://www.zmag.org
and reminding you that at that same place, further down the page, you can also remove
yourself from the list should you wish to.
Of course we have been adding more links and articles to ZNet, even since the last update:
-- A major new Instructional On Economics ( http://www.zmag.org/instructs.htm
-- An SEP site update ( http://www.zmag.org/sep/sep.htm
-- A new Activism Watch update ( http://www.zmag.org/bulletins/activismbull.htm
-- And of course new Kosovo pages ( http://www.zmag.org/zmag/kosovo.htm
) from, among others: Edward Herman at http://www.zmag.org/Commentaries/april_25herman.htm
and Saul Landau at http://www.zmag.org/landau.htm
We've also added a section of song lyrics to the Kosovo pages that I feel speak to the
issue. These will be changed every few days--those now online are from Bob Dylan, John
Lennon, and Phil Ochs.
And finally, because it is a central part of organizing, I also want to remind you to look
at the ZNet Commentary Program Page ( http://www.zmag.org/donorform.htm
) and the page of hugely discounted options that we are currently offering for subscribing
to Z (http://www.zmag.org/offer.htm ). Each of
these choices will not only bring
you a much more substantial source of information and analysis than our free Updates, it
will also, if you participate, help finance ZNet and all our operations.
But now, in light of the fact that we are at war, mostly I want to use this (extra) ZNet
Update to try to convey something that will be useful in how you address the current
When confronting a horrible war machine if one doesn't meekly obey the mass
media's marching orders, one's eyes may open very wide, and not only to immediate events,
but to broader matters as well. It can be overwhelming to face the full extent of
one's country's crimes. We sometimes shut down to the truth before it snags us too fully,
or bog down in feelings of hopelessness about the truth weÆve admitted, or lash out in an
anger that leads nowhere.
The Kosovo Talking Points I sent a few days ago yielded an unexpected but huge call for
more material that spoke in a similar voice. I am thus sending the following piece as a
tool, I hope, to help keep us in touch with horrible facts of our world, while moving us
to act on them constructively.
I also hope you will stay in touch with ZNet and its Kosovo pages for more analytic and
indepth historical material. BUT, please, if you can possibly avoid it, do not reply
directly to me by email. I can´t keep up with the traffic using these tools. Instead, if
you want to discuss the contents of this or other writings or other matters with me or
with other folks concerned about the war, why not try the ZNet public forum system meant
expressly for that purpose? You can read about it and become involved via
http://www.zmag.org/aboutforums.htm. Now, here is today´s content, adapted from a piece
written during the Gulf War & I hope it is useful and not an imposition.
Stop The Killing Train
Suppose a hypothetical god got tired of what we humans do to one another and decided that
from January 1, 1999 onward all corpses unnaturally created anywhere in the "free
world" would cease to decompose. Anyone dying for want of food or medicine, anyone
hung or garroted to death, shot or beaten to death, raped or bombed to death, anyone dying
unjustly and inhumanely would, as a corpse, persist without decomposing. And the permanent
corpse would then automatically enter a glass-walled cattle car attached to an ethereal
train traveling monotonously across the U.S., state by state, never stopping.
One by one the corpses would be loaded onto the cattle cars and after every thousand
corpses piled in a new car would hitch up and begin filling too.
Mile after mile the killing train would roll along, each corpse viewed through its
transparent walls, 200 new corpses a minute, one new car every five minutes, day and
night, without pause.
By the end of 1999, on its first birthday, the first day of the new millennium, the
killing train would measure over 2,000 miles long. Traveling at 20 miles an hour it would
take about five days to pass any intersection.
By the year 2009, assuming no dramatic change in institutions and behavior, the train
would stretch from coast to coast about seven times. It would take about six weeks from
the time its engine passed the Statue of Liberty to when its caboose would go by. God
still wondering when pitiful, aspiring humanity would get the message.
Think how a young child sometimes points to a picture in a book or magazine and asks for
an explanation, "Tell me about a tree?" A car? A boat? Or a train? A big train?
The killing train?" Go ahead, answer that one.
If the ecologists are right that this planet is a single super-organism, they are wrong
that pollution, toxic waste, and other human-created garbage is the most deadly virus
attacking it. The killing train, which itself spews more of the same muck, is worse.
Think about the pain that radiates from the Vietnam War monument with its 50,000 names in
Washington, D.C. Imagine the lost opportunity and lost love and the network of negative
influences that radiate from the unnecessary deaths enumerated on that monument. Now think
about the killing train stretching from coast to coast and back and forth and back and
forth and back and forth. Consider its impact, not only on those on board, but on every
person that any of those corpses ever loved or would have loved, fed or would have fed,
taught or would have taught.
Who rides the killing train? Citizens of the "Third World," selling their organs
for food, selling their babies to save their families, suffering disappearances and
starvation. They live in Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippines, in Timor, Iraq, Mexico,
and Angola, in Turkey and in New York City. They are headed for the killing train. Every
day. Millions.
Is this exaggerated? When 10 million children die yearly for lack of basicmedical aid that
the U.S. could provide at almost no cost in countries whose economies Exxon and the Bank
of America have looted, what can you call it other than mass murder?
Bloated diseased bodies are victims of murder just as surely as bullet-riddled bodies
tossed into rivers by death squads or pierced by shrapnel from falling bombs. Denying
medicine and stealing resources is ultimately no less criminal than supplying torture
racks or carpet bombing whole countries. It is often more deadly.
Evolution has given humans the capacity to perceive, think, feel, imagine. At a time of
warùas now in the Balkansùif we get aroused to action by the unusually visible carnage
we may begin to see the whole killing train as it persists day in and day out, with the
carnage no less real but much less visible. When this happens what do we do about it?
Become depressed? Cynical? Anguished? Cry? Daydream of Armageddon? Daydream of justice?
Educate ourselves, hand out a leaflet, build a local organization?
Once we begin to see this macabre train, how do we face it? Part of us says these crimes
are so grotesque, so inhumane, that the perpetrators deserve to die. A little tiny killing
train for the killers and no more big killing train for everyone else. An eye for a
million eyes. What other step makes more sense?
But of course, that's not the way the world works. People give the orders, hand out the
bombs, withhold the food, pay the pitiful salaries -- but institutions create the
pressures that mold these people. When an institutional cancer consumes the human patient,
what kind of surgeon can cut it all away? Is the weight of repression so intense it can
never be lifted?
At first, becoming attuned to our country's responsibility for the corpses stacked behind
transparent cattle-car walls makes handing out leaflets, or arguing for peace with a
co-worker, or urging a relative to think twice about paying taxes, or going to a
demonstration, or sitting in, or even doing civil disobedience or building the movements
to do all these things collectively seem insignificant. But the fact is, these are the
acts that the hypothetical God, tired of our behavior, would be calling for if she were to
actually parade the "free world's" corpses down our main streets in killing
trains. These are the acts that can accumulate into a firestorm of informed protest that
then raises the cost of profiteering and dominating so high that the institutions breeding
such behavior start to buckle.
The fact is, "You lose, you lose, you lose, and then you win." Every loss is
part of the process that leads to transforming institutions so that there can be no people
as vile as Clinton or Milosevic. No more "Good Germans" or "Good
Americans," cremated Jews or decapitated peasants.
War in the Balkans is a horrendous crime against humanity because it rends life from and
justice from civility to no benefit to any constituency other than the Masters of War. It
is an orchestrated atrocity that mandates our militant, unswerving opposition. There
should be no business as usual until this war is ended.
But even after the Balkan War ends, the on-going U.S. and European corpor ate war against
"free world" people destined to ride the killing train will, if it continues,
remain a tremendous crime against humanity. The killing train transcends the Balkans and
Turkey, Timor, Colombia, and Mexico and extends as well into the systemic denial of human
fulfillment and development that is at the heart of corporate capitalist logic and
practice. Ultimately, so must our opposition transcend the current events. The killing
trainùalienation, poverty, disease, starvation, death squads, and terrorùstems from
basic institutions. These must become our lasting target.